FASTWEB launches Italy’s first universal decoder

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Press release 26/09/2006
For a monthly fee of just 14 Euro, ASTWEBTV offers more than 30 channels and interactive services for the whole family with access to the Digital Terrestrial offer and High Definition.

For a monthly fee of just 14 Euro, FASTWEBTV offers more than 30 channels and interactive services for the whole family with access to the Digital Terrestrial offer and High Definition

Milan, September 26, 2006 - FASTWEB, Italy's second-largest fixed telecommunications services provider, the operator that in 2001 introduced digital TV via the Internet to Italy, has set another record: the first multiplatform decoder combining offers on the Digital Terrestrial platform with the existing offers for FASTWEB TV users (analog national channels, analog and satellite theme channels, SKY satellite channels). In other words, the new FASTWEB decoder is the only device to deliver content for all current analog and digital TV platforms.

The innovative FASTWEB decoder also supports transmission of High Definition (HD) content.

Always head of the field in the Italian TLC industry, FASTWEB is renewing and enhancing its TV offer by adopting an open technology standard to make life easier for television audiences. The new decoder offers a variety of viewing functions and capabilities normally only available on separate devices. This means that, with a single device, FASTWEB TV viewers now have a free choice of content from among FASTWEB IPTV (the Video on Demand offer of films, documentaries, cartoons, music, drama and shows, interactive info-edutainment services, digital videorecording with Personal Video Recorder and repeats of recent programs), Digital Terrestrial and the SKY satellite offer.

As far as image quality is concerned, the new FASTWEB decoder is ready for the future, with an HDMI digital jack to enable High Definition (HD) viewing as new content is gradually introduced to the various platforms.

Additionally, with the new FASTWEBTV offer, FASTWEB TV is easier and more affordable. For a monthly fee of just 14 Euro, TV subscribers have a wide-ranging innovative offer to suit the whole family:

  • traditional analog TV channels (Rai, Mediaset, La7 and MTV), in digital quality
  • a choice of Italian and international theme channels (including Network, CNN, ESPN Classic, BBC World, All Music, Music Box, MTV Music)
  • Video on Demand channels (the ONtv and RaiClick bouquets) with thousands of titles, ranging from films from the major studios (many in Dolby Digital 5.1 and original language), drama, documentaries, music, sport and cartoons
  • Calcio SKY soccer on a pay-per-view basis (5 Euro per match; Champions League and international soccer at 8 Euro per match)
  • the free channels of the Digital Terrestrial offer (subject to a flat-rate activation fee of 49 Euro*).

Confirming its technological lead, the FASTWEBTV package also provides the VIDEOREC digital video recording service to record TV programs without tapes and VCR (technically known as a networked Personal Video Recorder) and the REPLAYtv service which automatically records programs broadcast by the national networks for viewing within three days.

In addition to guaranteeing viewing freedom - viewers can choose what they want to see when they want, without the restrictions of broadcasters' programming - FASTWEB TV also means the freedom to build a personal TV schedule. In addition to the channels and services in the FASTWEBTV package, users may also subscribe any of the following:

  • the SKY Premium channels without having to install a dish - Calcio (28 Euro per month), Sport (16 Euro per month) and Cinema (16 Euro per month); all three can be purchased in a single monthly package of 46 Euro together with Disney Channel
  • theme channels such as Inter Channel (8 Euro per month), Milan Channel (8 Euro per month), Roma Channel (8 Euro per month), Caccia e Pesca (8 Euro per month), Classica (4 Euro per month), Disney Channel (4 Euro per month)
  • Disney's Magic English (6 Euro per episode), an edutainment course where famous Disney characters teach children English
  • the FASTGAME channel of videogames via the remote control (5 Euro per month or a pay-per-play basis at 0.25 Euro per game)

For further details and current offers:

* The activation fee is waived under the current special offer